What to do if you think you have a blocked sewer or drain?

What to do if you think you have a blocked sewer or drain?

  1. Figure out if the drain belongs to you, you can do this by calling your local water authority. if you are still not sure you can call a contractor such as The Drain Unblocking Company to check.
  2. If the drains are private you can attempt to unblock it yourself however we never recommend or condone this! it can be dangerous and hazardous to your health. We would recommend calling a reputable contractor.

What to do if you think you have a blocked sewer or drain but you are on a budget?

  1. You can purchase over the counter equipment such as drain rods and chemicals, naturally, we would not recommend either as it is dangerous and potentially hazardous to health.
  2. Call a private contractor and give them your budget! you will be surprised how many contractors will say yes.

But why pay for a contractor?

Well, all in all, it will turn out cheaper in the long run, by the time you have spent driving around and attempting to clear the blockage, potentially causing further issues, it would take a drainage contractor a fraction of the time to clear professionally and like ourselves, we offer a guarantee.

What equipment is available to me and does it work?

  • Drain Rods (in our experience they work but can cause further issues, we have come across countless jobs where clients have got the rods jammed and even collapsed the drains).
  • Chemicals ( we only recommend natural chemicals such as vinegar and baking sodas etc, products with corrosive chemicals such as acids are dangerous and almost every time cause drainage issues because they eat the seals).
  • Plungers (the trusty plunger, great for sink blockages but putting them down toilets is risky and we have come across plunger heads stuck behind toilets)
  • Drain snakes (they’re not that great unless you are willing to spend £400+ as the cords are flimsy)


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